May not be used to satisfy upper-division major requirements Credit/no-credit only. May include design and construction projects. 10) Research on special topics under supervision of a faculty member. M E 230 Kinematics and Dynamics (4) NSc Kinematics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies moving reference frames kinetics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies equilibrium, energy, linear momentum, angular momentum. Development of three-dimensional visualization skills through computer-aided design using parametric solid modeling. M E 124 Visualization and Computer-Aided Design Laboratory (2) NSc/A&H Methods of depicting three-dimensional objects and communicating design information. Development of three-dimensional skills through freehand sketching and computer-aided design using parametric solid modeling. M E 123 Introduction to Visualization and Computer-Aided Design (4) A&H/NSc Methods of depicting three-dimensional objects and communicating design information. Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for